Live Traffic Map Of Kosovo
Interactive Traffic Map to get detailed, street-level traffic and road conditions. Please click the camera icon of the point you want to view it live. (Live Elez Han, Hani i Elezit, Live Gracanica, Gračanica, Live Prishtina ICK - Innovation Centre Kosovo.Current Border Wait Times.
Live Kosovo border traffic flows and road conditions. ATC provides real-time traffic updates and border crossing information to travelers across Kosovo. To make sure you have our most current information, use your browser's refresh or reload function. *Source: Kosovo National Center For Border Management.Kosovo Border Crossings presents Kosovo Border Crossings. Your handy map to find all the checkpoints you need when travelling. Kosovo (Kosovë) – Albania (Shqipëria) border crossings: Qafë Morinë - Gjakovë, Qafë Prush - Gjakovë, Morinë - Vërmicë, Orgjost - Orqushë, Borje - Glloboçicë, Shishtavec - Krushë (Krusheva) , Orçusha - Orgjost. Kosovo (Kosovë) – Montenegro (Mali i Zi) border crossings: Kullë – Rožaje, Çakor – Bjeluha. Kosovo (Kosovë) – Serbia border crossings: Brnjak (Bërnjak) - Tabalije, Jarinje (Jarinjë) - Leposavic, Rudnica, Merdare (Besianë, Merdarë) - Merdare (Medveđa), Mutivode (Mutivodë) - Mutivoda, Dheu i Bardhë - Konculj (Konçul), Mucibaba (Muçibabë) - Depce. Kosovo (Kosovë) – North Macedonia (Maqedonia e Veriut) border crossings: Hani i Elezit - Bllacë, Glloboçicë - Jazincë, Bellanoc – Stançiç.Kosovo Border Crossings.
Customs Station DHEU I BARDHË.
The customs station Dheu i Bardhë started functioning since 09.04.2001 at the time the overall staff at the station was 12 officers and the head of the station, which used to work with 24 hours schedules, while nowadays 28 customs officers are located in this station. Location C.S. Dheu i Bardhë is located at the place called “Dheu i Bardhe ” (White Ground) which is administered by the Municipal Assembly of Dardana, former Kamenica. Geographically the station is located in the road section between Gjilan – Bujanovc, 22 km from Gjilan, 12 km from Dardana and 15 km from Bujanovc, as well as 3 km in distance from the border with Serbia. The landscape is mountainous and the green line is relatively long, more than 85 km. It is bordered with many villages from the Bujanovc municipality such as: Dobrosin, Breznica, Muhoc, Novoselle, Ramnabuqe which are connected with Kosovo through many other secondary roads. Schedule Based on the Administrative Order from the Director General, C.S. Dheu i Bardhë works 24 hours non-stop, while clearance of commercial goods is performed during 12 hours from 08:00 – 20:00, where all the customs procedures are performed which are authorized by the Customs legislation in force, while the transitory procedure is used for passengers that carry with themselves goods which exceed the permitted limit and their clearance is done in 24 hours.
Border Crossing Point of MERDARE.
BCP MERDARE Border Crossing Point of Merdare is located at kilometer 37 of the highway Prishtina to Nish between two neighboring countries of Kosova and Serbia, in the North-East of Kosova. February 26, 2001 is an official start of operations. Initially at this border crossing all customs procedures of clearance of goods are completed at this point. Clearance of goods is done by the short procedure. In June 20, 2002 the Customs Terminal in opened in Podujeva to complete clearance of goods, while the border crossing dealt with acceptance of papers accompanying goods. The Border Crossing is used for clearance of goods contained in passengers’ baggage. Since the January the first of this year, by the decision of UCS Management, the Border Crossing of Merdare is divided from Podujeva and it operates as such. This Border Crossing operates 24 hours a day. Work is done by four shifts with 12 working hours. During the work hours acceptance of accompanying papers is done to be forwarded to the Customs Terminal afterwards and clearance of non commercial goods contained in the baggage of passengers. This Point serves also for processing-clearance of goods of KFOR and of other liaison Offices in Kosova. With the request of association of green trade of wholesale in Prishtina, UCS Management permitted clearance of perishable goods (fruits and vegetables) imported from Serbia. This is validated in compliance with the request of given association for period from May 10, 2007 until October 31, 2007. The same is valid also for perishable goods to be exported such is mushrooms and bilberries. In general at Merdare crossing point are completed following procedures: Work procedure in Merdare border crossing point a) Acceptance of required papers such is invoices, CMR, export declaration and papers of truck, preliminary check of goods is done and trucks are sealed, b) Recording to TIMS, which is a book to present papers for import and transit of goods in which case it receives number in advance in electronic way by the program itself. c) Accompanying papers are taken together with vehicle papers, d) Customs clearance of goods contained in baggage of passengers is completed at g-3 Merdare and this clearance is completed with CDP (Customs Document of Passengers) to be paid in cash at this Crossing Point. Accompanying papers of goods together with vehicle papers are forwarded to the Customs Terminal of Podujeva by the Chief of Shift or by his designated person..
Customs Station MITROVICA.
In the Customs station Mitrovica (terminal), all the goods are declared for clearance by the drivers (importers) since there is no precursory procedure due to non-functioning of two border crossing points with Serbia in this part of Kosovo. The necessary documentation is required for every consignment (invoice, CMR, export declaration, etc.) but the trucks are not sealed even if there is a long distance is covered since their entry in Kosovo territory up to the terminal. Performance of customs obligations is necessary when declaring goods at the terminal. Work schedule is every day from 08:00 until 20:00 hrs.
Border Crossing Point of MUQIBABA.
BCP MUQIBABA Within CS Dheu i Bardhë the BCP Muqibaba operates as well, which geographically is under administration of Municipal Assembly of Gjilan; it is located in a distance of more than 20 km from Gjilan, the landscape is mountainous (sea level in this BCP is over 800 m) and is authorized only for passengers traffic. Work schedule Since month of February of last year in Muqibaba BCP, after consultations with Customs Senior Management in this BCP only two customs officers are engaged to work for 12 hours (08:00-20:00 hrs) for two days and they are supervised by CS Dheu i Bardhë shift leaders.
Border Crossing Point of MUTIVODA.
BCP MUTIVODA As part of the Merdare border crossing point, in fact part of Podujeva Customs Station is also the Border Crossing Point in Mutivoda. In this BCP goods traffic is not allowed, but only passengers and their personal items carried with them. Up to last year in this BCP customs officers used to stay to check the entrance in fact to prevent the entry of goods through this point, but from last year with a decision by Customs Senior management, customs officers are removed from this point and this job now is entirely responsibility of Kosovo Police members.
Customs Station PEJA.
Customs Station Peja is located in Peja city, 22 km in distance from Border Crossing Point (BCP) Kulla. All commercial goods from all the regions of BCP Kulla are instructed (or obliged) to go to the customs terminal to continue with customs procedure of goods clearance. In Peja CS the Veterinary and Phyto-sanitary agency inspectors operate as well, who equip the importer with the required certificates. In Peja CS except the goods which enter through Kulla BCP, a vehicle clearance is also performed in the interior as well as definitive clearance of goods from procedures with economic impact is performed. Documents needed for clearance: Goods invoice Transport document Cargo manifest EUR 1 Certificate Export documents from country of departure and transit Veterinary – sanitary certificates, if applicable. Import licences, if applicable. • Goods declaration by authorized Agents through customs declaration. The official working schedule of CS Peja is every day from 08:00 until 20:00 hrs and 15 officers who are organized into various teams and shifts are engaged to work.
Border Crossing Point of KULLA.
The border crossing point Kulla is located int eh north-west part of Peja city, with sea level of 1250 meters and started to work on 14/02/2000 at the time as constituent part of CS Peja. At this time clearances were performed with transitory procedure only, while starting from 01.06.2000 the regular clearance started to be performed in the terminal which was established in Peja city. Problems that this station has are not much different from the problems that all other customs points face as well as the entire Customs Service comes across with. The border crossing point of Kulla initially served as customs terminal also since in the beginning as we mentioned earlier goods used to be cleared in this point, whereas now all commercial consignments initially are checked in the border crossing and then are decided to be placed under customs supervision by sealing them and instructing them (mandatory) to go the Peja terminal for clearance. Goods that are brought by passengers are cleared in the border crossing. Kulla border crossing points works non-stop for 24 hours, with 12 hours shifts. For importers that bring commercial goods, they should accompany the goods with all the necessary documentation including also the basic documentation from the country of departure and also documents from transit countries.
Customs Station HANI I ELEZIT.
C.S. HANI I ELEZIT • Customs Station in Hani i Elezit The customs station in Hani i Elezit, is located in the southern part of Republic of Kosovo, in the 70th kilometre of the highway between Prishtina – Skopje. It’s the customs station with the highest inflow of passengers, vehicles and trucks that carry commercial goods for Kosovo markets. The CS Hani i Elezit is configured into two parts, where Kosovo Customs officials operations are performed: Border Crossing Point and Terminal. • The border crossing point at Hani i Elezit This border crossing point is located at the border with Republic of Macedonia and it’s the point with highest inflow of vehicles and buses with passengers that enter and exit through the border between Kosovo and Macedonia. Kosovo Customs operates 24 hours non-stop at this border crossing and the tendency continually exists along with the highest inflow to manage the passenger’s traffic become with less unnecessary stops, except the ones that are subject to customs controls. Contact number for the border crossing point at Hani i Elezit is 038/541-930 • Customs terminal – Hani i Elezit Within the Customs Station of Hani i Elezit, there is a customs terminal which has the biggest space among the customs terminals in Kosovo. As a result of the fact is around 60% of all the goods that are imported and perform the customs procedures in Kosovo, go through this customs station. Kosovo Customs in this terminal has established the much sophisticated mobile X-Ray scanner and by its assistance the checking of goods and consignments is enabled to be more expedited and more detailed. Within the terminal of Hani i Elezit all other border agencies are also located such as veterinary and phyto-sanitary agencies. This all was done with the purpose of all the import and export of goods procedures to be performed without great and unnecessary delays. The working schedule in this customs terminal is 24 hours but the goods clearance schedule is every day from 08:00 until 20:00hrs. Contact number for the customs terminal of Hanit i Elezit is 038/502-534.
Border Crossing Point of GLLOBOÇICA.
BCP GLLOBOÇICA Border Crossing Point Glloboçica Besides the border crossing point of Hani i Elezit with the Republic of Macedonia, there is also the border crossing point of Glloboçica. The border crossing point Glloboçica is located in the 68th kilometre of the highway between Prishtina – Tetova and through this border crossing point only the crossing of vehicles and passengers buses is allowed, in which case clearance of goods carried by passengers is also permitted, but with administrative instruction is forbidden for trucks with commercial goods to cross and to clear them, this is due to the actual infrastructure. Based on the organizational structure of Customs Service, this border crossing point is considered to be within the Hani i Elezit customs station, with the working schedule of 24 hours. As in most of the border crossing points in Republic of Kosovo, in this border crossing CCTV system cameras are installed to monitor the traffic during 24 hours.
Border Crossing Point of QAFA E MORINËS.
BCP QAFA E MORINËS Qafa e Morinës is located 22 kilometres from Gjakova city and is the border crossing with Republic of Albania. Working schedule in Qafa e Morinës according to AI 03/2006: • From 1st of April – 30th of November 08:00-20:00 hrs (during weekends as well) • from 1st of December – 31st of March 08:00-19:00 hrs (during weekends as well) Passengers traffic: 00:00 – 24:00. All the commercial goods will be cleared by customs officers according to the transitory procedure. The importers (natural persons) should be ready to pay the customs taxes in cash. This border crossing point started working according to AI No 2003/1, on 1st of May 2003 with a limited schedule.
Border Crossing Point of QAFA E PRUSHIT.
BCP QAFA E PRUSHIT Qafa e Prushit is located 10 kilometres from Gjakova city. Working schedule according to AI No 03/2006 is: From 1st of April until 30th of November from 08:00 – 20:00 hrs From 1st of December until 31st of March from 08:00- 19:00 hrs Passengers traffic: 00.00 – 24.00 This border crossing points started to work according to the AI No 2003/38 on 1st of August 2003 with a limited schedule.
Customs Station VËRMICA.
C.S. VËRMICA Geographical position: Vermica Customs Station is one of the official international border crossing for Kosovo which serves as connection between Kosovo and Albania. At this border crossing is accomplished the passengers traffic, goods traffic, transporting means, vehicles, as well as clearance and control of goods and passengers. The border crossing point of Vermica with its geographical position is the only border crossing which serves for the traffic of commercial goods and it’s the point with the biggest traffic of passengers, which go or come from Albania. The Vermica Customs station is located in the 18th kilometre from the Prizren city in the south-west of Kosovo. On date of 13.07.2005 the new customs terminal was inaugurated with the space of 5000 m², where 36 trucks with goods can be parked, which greatly facilitates the process of goods clearance. A constituent part of CS Vermica are the border crossing points of Qafa e Prushit and Qafa e Morinës, which are located in the western part of Gjakova city. Worldwide, WebBased Service for online traffic cameras, used to monitor traffic flow and road conditions.The purpose of the Cameras is for staff to monitor traffic flow, road and weather conditions and to look for and manage accidents and incidents on major roads.Position cameras in a manner conducive to viewing precise traffic data to be provided by CCTV traffic monitoring systems that are usually integrated with road infrastructure.
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